Hair Implant in India - Hair restoration in India - hair care center

Health Hospital has launched a new Hair Implant Unit led by Dr, specializing in hair loss in men and women with extensive experience in research related baldness and an experience of 20 years that have enabled it to carry out more than 10,000 hair transplant surgeries in India .

"Baldness affects millions of men and women in our country, especially to men but increasingly women, who also suffer a psychological component added in approximately 60-70% of cases," explains Dr., who adds that "now to deal with these cases, we have Vithas Xanit art techniques and highly effective as the capillary microfollicular using FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or technique for obtaining strip grafts. It is virtually painless treatment allows hair recovery close to 100%, depending on the surgical plan, surgical techniques and experience and training of the surgeon ".

The technique of extraction technique or individual follicular units was used microinstruments of between 0.6 mm - 1 mm, designed solely to extract the follicular units one by one from the donor area. The technique is strip the other leg option obtaining hair grafts. "Our team used a microscope for careful dissection and comprehensive evaluation of the grafts that will result in better quality, survival and growth of the grafts," says the specialist.

Hair transplant technique is an advanced surgical technique that uses single hair units (which include 1-4 hairs), usually from the back or side of the head part, for transplantation according to the surgical plan.

Both techniques allow the surgeon to create a natural design in the receiving area, where the grafts are implanted. "If the patient is a candidate for a hair transplant, with proper surgical technique and capillary microfollicular a completely natural result is obtained," says the expert, adding that "the training and experience of the surgeon are also important factors in the success surgery. "

"The causes of baldness may be genetic, scar origin, due to drugs, excessive dieting, pregnancy, postpartum anemia, etc., so our team of experts assesses the patient fully, individually, for diagnosis and treatment. The miracle treatment for baldness does not exist, so it is recommended that before you start any treatment the patient is evaluated by a physician, "says Dr. Perez, who adds that" choosing a transplant surgeon Hair qualified certificate and is a very critical and important decision, so it should evaluate several aspects such as training yourself, your experience, certifications, publications and conference presentations. In our Unit Hair Implant our surgeon will review your case in particular indicating whether a candidate for hair restoration and the best treatment options based on scientific studies. "

    International Hospital has a team made up of over 680 professionals and has 13,000 m2 distributed over five floors with rooms. It also has a center of medical specialties in Malaga, Vithas Xanit Limonar, which offers patients the most innovative techniques and protocols in Radiotherapy and Medical Oncology and which also has outpatient medical team to bring the hospital to Malaga. Vithas Xanit also has a specialized medical center, Xanit Fuengirola, which brings your medical care to continue offering the same quality and a center dedicated to health and well-being of health in the English Court of Avenida de Andalucía team Málaga, Xanit Health.

Clinic, a world leader in hair transplant robot, was the first center in Spain that has made a statement to a woman with robot.

The full incorporation of women into positions of responsibility and higher levels of stress and anxiety that carries with it have resulted in recent years in increasing the number of women suffering from androgenic alopecia or female pattern baldness. Although female genetic predisposition is not strong enough for alopecia manifests spontaneously, with the help of external factors such longer latent and women can develop a genuine baldness.

Therefore, it is increasingly common female hair transplantation has increased by 25% in recent years. Of all transplant patients worldwide, 14.2% are women.

In Spain the trend is similar, although, according to data Clinic, one in three transplant patients are women.

Milan Tomic

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