Hair Loss in Womens

Women midlife are more likely to visit, usually after menopause. Suggesting that this type of loss is increasing. "However, it is increasingly common to see this type of fall also in young women, from the period after puberty," says the dermatologist. But "there is also a genetic predisposition. So this concerns women whose scalp has excessive sensitivity to androgens (male hormones). The lifestyle is also critical because we now know that the external environment can act deregulating certain genes, "says Dr. Garnier Lyonnet.

                                                                                  Results of Hair
It should quickly consult a dermatologist. By asking questions and examining the hair, this specialist will rule out other causes fall (illness, medication, traction loss, etc ...) and prescribe appropriate treatment.
"You have to react quickly, within three months ideally, because if we can limit the evolution of the fall, however once the hair has fallen, it is much more difficult to recover the density that one has lost, "says dermatologist. So the more quickly begin treatment and the hair will be preserved.
The standard treatment is minoxidil, as for men, plus low dose. But to be complete "treatment based on three targets, says the dermatologist. It is first necessary to prevent further androgen field. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can be implemented in collaboration with the gynecologist, except against-indications. Then you have to stimulate regrowth with application morning and evening of Minoxidil lotion 2%, which will act as a booster. Finally, to improve the field, taking daily supplements provide the essential elements for proper training of new hair.
"You should know from the start that this treatment will last very long. The evolution can be fluctuating, with periods of exacerbation and lull the fall. After two to three years, we can take breaks and see how the hair is changing, "said Sylvie Garnier Lyonnet.
Good Habits
Eating balanced because the shortcomings or deficiencies in vitamins, minerals etc ... are harmful to the health of hair. Then quit. Studies have indeed shown that smoking had a deleterious effect on the hair follicles, which "produce" the hair. Psychological stress would also have a negative role. Because it results in the release of androgens, hormones destructive to the hair. And also induces premature catagen phase (hair degradation phase before his fall) and inflammation in the hair follicle. The sunlight also has a negative effect, because UVB and UVA induce apoptosis, that is to say cell death. Additionally the rays have a direct effect on hair by lifting their scales.


Milan Tomic

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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